Compulsory Course descriptions XXXVII cycle - ay 2021 - 2022
Statistics and data manipulation in R- basic knowledge (3CFU)
Teachers: dr. Francesco Tiezzi Mazzoni dalla Stella Maestra e Dr. Stefano Biffani
The didactic program of the course takes place over 5 consecutive full time days.
The topics covered in the various days are:
Day 1
RStudio projects: their use (2h)
Importing and exporting data in R (data formatting and troubleshooting) (2h)
Data handling, part 1 (4h):
- Filtering and subsetting (filter)
- Sorting records (arrange)
- Variable selection (select)
- Variable definition (mutate, ifelse, case_when)
Day 2
Data handling, part 2 (4h)
- Summarizing data (summarise) by variable (group_by)
- Transposing data (pivot_longer, pivot_wider)
- Date format handling (lubridate,
- Binding data.frames (merge, join)
Data visualization and graphics (ggplot) (4h)
Day 3
Descriptive statistics and linear regression (mean, sd, t.test, regression) (8h)
Day 4
Reporting in R (Rmarkdown) (8h)
Day 5
Review of the course topics, real life examples as shared by the students (6h)
Final test (2h)
last update: 09-Nov-2021