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Marco Mancini

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Marco Mancini





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Progetto del Dottorato

"Tecniche agronomiche per la gestione di precisione di colture erbacee"


Anna Dalla Marta 



Recapito ufficio

DAGRI Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Agrarie, Alimentari Ambientali e Forestali
Piazzale delle Cascine 18.
50144, Firenze. Italy 


+39 335 1025448 


Master degree in Agricultural Science in 1999 at University of Florence. In 2003 he obtained first level master in “Applied Meteorology”.
He has participated in numerous projects on agrometeorology and agroclimatology, in particular studying the relationship between climate and viticulture and wheat ecosystem, as collaborator of the University of Florence and the Foundation for Climate and Sustainability.

Since 2005 he has been conducting research on the sustainable energy use of agroforestry biomass, on the study of systems for small-scale energy micro-cogeneration, on Life Cycle Assessment and on the territorial planning of renewable energies. From 2011 he follows projects related to precision agriculture.

Since 2012 he is a member of the board of directors of the Italian Association of Agrometeorology and since 2016 he is Director of the Foundation for Climate and Sustainability.

In 2017 he became a member of the Georgofili Academy. 

Pubblicazioni di rilievo

MURA M., BOTTALICO F., GIANNETTI F., BERTANI R., GIANNINI R., MANCINI M., ORLANDINI S., TRAVAGLINI D., CHIRICI C., (2018). Exploiting the capabilities of the Sentinel-2 multi spectral instrument for predicting growing stock volume in forest ecosystems. Int J Appl Earth Obs Geoinformation 66 (2018) 126–134

VERDI L., MANCINI M., LJUBOJEVIC M., ORLANDINI S., DALLA MARTA A. (2018). Greenhouse gas and ammonia emissions from soil: the effect of organic matter and fertilisation method. Italian Journal of Agronomy

ORLANDO F., MANCINI M., MOTHA R., QU J.J., ORLANDINI S., DALLA MARTA A. (2017). Modelling durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. var. durum) grain protein concentration. Journal of Agricultural Science, 155 (6), pp. 930-938

ORLANDO F., DALLA MARTA A., MANCINI M., MOTHA R., QU J., ORLANDINI S. (2015). Integration of remote sensing and crop modeling for the early assessment of durum wheat harvest at the field scale. Crop Science doi:10.2135/cropsci2014.07.0479

DALLA MARTA A., ORLANDO F. MANCINI M., GUASCONI F., MOTHA R., QU J., ORLANDINI S. (2015). A simplified index for an early estimation of durum wheat yield in Tuscany (Central Italy). Field Crops Research 170, 1-6

DALLA MARTA A., GRIFONI D., MANCINI M., ORLANDO F., GUASCONI F., ORLANDINI S. (2015). Durum wheat in-field monitoring and early-yield prediction: assessment of potential use of high-resolution satellite imagery in a hilly area of Tuscany, Central Italy. Journal of Agricultural Science 153, 68-77

DALLA MARTA A., MANCINI M., ORLANDO F., NATALI F., CAPECCHI L., ORLANDINI S. (2014). Sweet sorghum for bioethanol production: Crop responses to different water stress levels. Biomass & Bioenergy 64, 211-219

DALU J.D., BALDI M., DALLA MARTA A., ORLANDINI S., MARACCHI G., DALU G., GRIFONI D., MANCINI M. (2012). Mediterranean climate patterns and wine quality in North and Central Italy. International Journal of Biometeorology 57, 729-742

DALLA MARTA A., MANCINI M., NATALI F., ORLANDO F., ORLANDINI S. (2012). From water to bioethanol: the impact of climate variability on the water footprint. Journal of Hydrology. 444-445, 180-186

ORLANDINI S., MANCINI M., GRIFONI D., ORLANDO F., DALLA MARTA A., CAPECCHI V. (2011). Integration of meteo-climatic and remote sensing information for the analysis of durum wheat quality in Val d’Orcia (Tuscany, Italy). Idojaras 115, 233–245
DALLA MARTA A., GRIFONI D., MANCINI M., ZIPOLI G., ORLANDINI S. (2011). The influence of climate on durum wheat quality in Tuscany, Central Italy. International Journal of Biometeorology 55, 87-96

Casa R., .....Mancini M., .....(2016). Agricoltura di precisione. Edagricole. ISBN 978-88-506-5510-6. E. BONARI, G. MARACCHI, N. NASSI O DI NASSO, S. BOSCO, F. DRAGONI, M. MANCINI, A. DALLA MARTA, S. ORLANDINI, N. RONCUCCI, M. V. LASORELLA, V. GIULIETTI, C. TOZZINI, G. RAGAGLINI, R. VILLANI, F. TRIANA (2016). Le biomasse lignocellulosiche, Firenze University Press. ISBN 978-88-6655-984-9.

R. GIANNINI, M. MANCINI, E. MARCHI, S. ORLANDINI, D. PAFFETTI, M. TOGNI, D. TRAVAGLINI. IL VINO NEL LEGNO: la valorizzazione della biomassa legnosa dei boschi del Chianti.  Firenze University Press. ISBN 978-88-6655-896-5

MCDERMID S.P., ....., MANCINI M.,......... (2015). The AgMIP Coordinated Climate-Crop Modeling Project (C3MP): Methods and Protocols. In Handbook of Climate Change and Agroecosystems. The Agricultural Model Intercomparison and Improvement Project (AgMIP) Integrated Crop and Economic Assessments — Joint Publication with American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and Soil Science Society of America (Editors ROSENZWEIG C. DANIEL HILLEL D.). World Scientific Publishing, 191-220. DOI: 10.1142/9781783265640_0008

DALLA MARTA A., ORLANDO F. MANCINI M., ORLANDINI S. (2015). Water and biofuels. In: Climate, Energy and Water: Managing Trade-Offs, Seizing Opportunities (edited by Pittock J., Hussey K., Dovers S.), Cambridge University Press, 108-122.

ORLANDINI S., DALLA MARTA A., MANCINI M., GRIFONI G. (2011) Impacts of the NAO on Mediterranean Crop Production. Hydrological, Socioeconomic and Ecological Impacts of the North Atlantic Oscillation in the Mediterranean Region (Eds. S.M. VICENTE-SERRANO, R.M. TRIGO), Advances in Global Change Research 46, DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-1372-7_8, Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2011.

ORLANDINI S., GRIFONI D., NATALI F., MANCINI M., DALLA MARTA A. (2010). Impacts of climate change on Tuscany durum wheat quality. In: Advances in Environmental Modelling and Measurements (Eds. D.T. Mihailovic, B. Lalic). Nova Science Publishers Inc., New York (USA), 195-208.

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