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Teaching activity XXXIII cycle

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The  teaching program of the Doctorate consists of a total of 38 CFU (1CFU = 8 hours of lessons) divided as follows:

  • 9 compulsory courses for a total of 23 CFU, of which 7 internal DAGRI (17,5 CFU) and 2 complementary  skylls (5.5 CFU) organized by the University of Florence . This activity must be completed in the first year.
  • 14 CFU of free choice educational activity of which 6 CFU mandatory selected among the University's complementary skills. This activity must be completed within the second year.

The remaining 8CFU are at the discretion of the student between participation in conferences, congresses and workshops, summer and winter schools, seminars. This activity must be completed within the third year of the doctorate.  


Complusory Courses

Stefano Benedettelli : Deepening of Statistics   ( 7 CFU)

Stefano Biricolti : Biological risk safety  (1 CFU)

Salvatore Moricca : Critical analysis, drafting and revision of a scientific article (2 CFU)

Natascia Biondi : Criteria for the drafting of a reserach project   (2 CFU)

Giancarlo Renella : The concept of principal investigator  (2 CFU)

Liliana Rodolfi:    Intellectual property and technology transfer (2 CFU).

*Riccardo Bozzi, Luisa Ghelardini curse: Programming and manipulation of data in R  ( 3 CFU)

*Federico Mattia Stefanini  curse:  Computational statistics  (3 CFU)

** UniFi: Occupational safety and health course
 Jessica Ann Thon : English Academic writing   (5 CFU)
 Tessa Pazzini and  Federico Rotini (U.F.patent and Spin off): Intellectual property and copyright  5th module (0,5 CFU)

* Mandatory to attend at least one of the two courses
** Mandatory  course for all university staff and students to be authorized to carry out reserach and    training activities. The course is partly online and partly in the classroom and takes place in the period November-February of the  first year of the course


last update: 29-May-2020
Unifi Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Agrarie, Alimentari, Ambientali e Forestali Home Page

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