Isabella Tucciarone
NameIsabellaSurnameTucciaronePhD cycleXXXVIIIPhD project“From land to water: circularity for the development of a zero waste food chain (FLAWA)” Office addressVia delle Cascine, 5. (50144, Firenze) Office phone0552755582 ProfileIn 2019, Isabella Tucciarone concludes her three-year study course in Food Technologies at the University of Florence following an internship period carried out primarily at ENEA (National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and sustainable economic development) and subsequently at the SensoryLab - Laboratory of Sensory Analysis of Florence. Two years later, he obtained a master's degree in Food Science and Technology at the University of Florence. She is currently enrolled in the PhD course in Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (DAGRI). Main PapersArticle published on GeorgofiliINFO (Information newsletter by the Accademia dei Georgofili): "Not new but novel. Are we really ready to introduce insects into our diets and that of our children?"
Article published in Mangimi e Alimenti magazine: "Insects on the table and in the canteen: what do parents think?" Seminars and conferencePoster presented at PBN 2022 Congress - 10th International Congress of Food Technologists, Biotechnologists and Nutritionists. "Smart food for a healthy planet and human prosperity" Awards- Personal Links, Blogs, Websites- |