Michele Moretta
NameMicheleSurname MorettaPhD cycleXXXVIIIPhD project" Crop productivity and sustainability of agro-photovoltaic systems in response to climate change " SupervisorEmailsmichele.moretta@unifi.it Office addressPiazzale delle Cascine 18, 50144 Firenze Office phone+ 39 055 2755801 ProfileBorn in Empoli (FI) on 21/05/1995, graduated in 2019 in Agricultural Sciences and Technologies (LM-69) at the University of Florence with a thesis entitled Eucalyptus globulus: pilot experimentation of the agronomic management of the crop and the oil extraction process in Madagascar'. After that, Michele continued to attend the Department of Agricultural, Food, Environmental and Forestry Sciences and Technologies (DAGRI, Unifi) as a research fellow dealing mainly with herbaceous crops and aromatic plants He is currently attending the PhD course in Agricultural and Environmental Sciences at the Department of Agricultural, Food, Environmental and Forestry Sciences and Technologies (DAGRI) and is working on crop productivity and sustainability of agro-photovoltaic systems in response to climate change This project will increase knowledge about the behavior of certain crops with high agro-economic value in response to the applied management and microclimatic conditions created within an agro-photovoltaic system. Seminars and conference- Awards- Personal Links, Blogs, Websiteslinkedin.com/in/michele-moretta-617648b7 |