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Dottorato in Scienze Agrarie e Ambientali

Antonio Pescatore

bandiera italiana

Antonio Pescatore





PhD Cycle


PhD project 

Role of multiple cropping in the conservation of soil fertility and in the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions”  


Simone Orlandini



Office address

Piazzale delle Cascine,18 50144 Firenze 




In 2018, I graduated in Agricultural Sciences and Technologies as bachelor’s degree at the University of Foggia with the vote of 109/110. In 2020, I graduated for my master’s degree in biotechnology for Environmental Management and Sustainable Agriculture (BIO-EMSA) with a grade of 110/110 cum laude. Thesis title: “Use of biochar and fodder crops to remediate heavy metals polluted soil”.

After the graduation I won a Research Grant at the DAGRI department on: “Analysis of data for the evaluation of the effect of different agronomic practices in the cultivation of cereal grasses”.


Soofizada, Q., Pescatore, A., Guerrini, L., Fabbri, C., Mancini, M., Orlandini, S., & Napoli, M. (2022). Effects of Nitrogen plus Sulfur Fertilization and Seeding Density on Yield, Rheological Parameters, and Asparagine Content in Old Varieties of Common Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Agronomy12(2), 351.

Pescatore, A., Grassi, C., Rizzo, A. M., Orlandini, S., Napoli, M. (2022). Effects of biochar on berseem clover (Trifolium alexandrinum, L.) growth and heavy metal (Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn) accumulation. Chemosphere, 131986. DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2021.131986 

Conference talks and seminars 

(1) Seminar on the impact of agro-food system on climate change at the High School ITIS Antonio Meucci, Firenze ( December 16th 2019

(2) Seminar on the impact of diet on climate change at the High School Liceo Artistico Statale di Porta Romana, Firenze (28 Marzo 2019), Firenze (March 28th 2019)

(3) Accepted article as poster at 2021 SIA conference held in Udine (September 15th-17th) with the title: Effects of Biochar on Berseem Clover (Trifolium alexandrinum, L.) Growth and Heavy Metal (Cd, Cu, Pb, and Ni) Accumulation 



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last update: 15-Feb-2022
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