Margherita Santoni
NameMargheritaSurnameSantoniCycle PhDXXXVIPhD project"Soil fertilization strategies based on agroecological practices in an organic long term experiment" Supervisormargherita.santoni(AT) Office addressPiazzale Delle Cascine 18, 50144 Firenze Phone+390552755790 ProfileMargherita Santoni holds a Master's degree in Agricultural Sciences and Technologies at the University of Florence in 2015 with 110/110 cum laude. She obtained a professional qualification of agronomist. From 2015 to 2019 she won research grants at the Department of Agriculture, Food, Environment and Forestry (DAGRI). She is currently enrolled in the PhD program in Agricultural and Environmental Sciences at the University of Florence. Papers
Conference talks and seminars
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last update: 24-Jan-2022