Cesare Garosi
NameCesareSurnameGarosiCycle PhDXXXVIPhD project"Landscape Genomics approaches for an adaptive silviculture applied to beech stands " Supervisorcesaregarosi(AT)unifi.it cesaregarosi(AT)gmail.com Office addressVia Maragliano, 77-79 - 50144 - Firenze Phone+39 055 2755530 ProfileMy name is Cesare Garosi, born in Montepulciano (SI) on September 22, 1994. I graduated at the University of Florence, at the three-year degree course in Forestry and Environmental Sciences, on April 20, 2017. With the vote of 106/110. Dissertation in Environmental Microbiology, supervisor Prof. Liliana Rodolfi, co-rapporteur Prof. Carlo Viti. Thesis title: Cultivation of Pheodactilum Tricornutum in Green Wall Panel III photoreactors under auxotrophy and mixotrophy conditions. Following the achievement of the bachelor degree, with the aim of being able to learn and deepen everything about the plant world from a molecular/genetic point of view, I graduated from the University of Florence, at the master's degree course in Biotechnology for Environmental Management and Sustainable Agriculture (BIO-EMSA), on December 12, 2019.With a grade of 110/110 cum laude.
After obtaining the master degree I participated and won (02/01/2020) a call for a research grant for a research on: "Close-to-NAture forest sustainable management practices under climate changes", at the DAGRI department of the University of Florence. Within the European project LIFE SySTEMIC. I am still working as a research fellow within the LIFE SySTEMiC project. My scientific interests are mainly focused on the study of genetic mechanisms that regulate the response to abiotic stress, both in individuals and in populations. The most interesting aspects are related to the understanding of the genetic mechanisms that regulate the adaptive potential and resilience of forest ecosystems. Papers
Conference talks and seminars(1) CdL magistrale: BIOTECNOLOGIE PER LA GESTIONE AMBIENTALE E L’AGRICOLTURA SOSTENIBILE (BIO-EMSA). (2) CdL magistrale: SCIENZE E TECNOLOGIE DEI SISTEMI FORESTALI (3) 2021 Forest Genetics Student & PostDoc Symposium: Oral presentation: “Gene expression meta-analysis identifies candidate genes involved in abiotic stress response: difference between forest species and short-life species. C. Garosi et al., (2021)” Awards... Website |