Research topics of the XXXIV cycle
Research topics with university scholarship
- Bioecological and morphological studies of Hippoboscid flies of genus Lipoptena, ectoparasites of wild ungulates, with special reference to L. fortisetosa, a new record for Italy
Interactions in Tetraselmis suecica/bacteria holobiont
The effects at ecosystem level of recurrent environmental stresses in Mediterranean Climate regions
Factors involved in the development of grapevine leaf stripe disease symptoms in view of sustainable contr ol protocols
Genome wide search for signatures of selection in beef cattle breeds
- Agronomic techniques for precision crop management
Research topics without scholarship
- Cultivation of microalgae with artificial light (LEDs) to obtain products of use in the field nutraceutical, pharmaceutical and medical
Reserch topics with no university scholarship
- Enhancement and selection of renewal crops in low impact systems in anticipation of future climate change
- Implementation of a simplified and low-cost phenotyping platform for crop monitoring
- New insights on the diversity of resource-use strategies among coexisting Mediterranean shrubs species and possible utilizations of these plants as biofactories