Sara Campigli
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NameSaraSurnameCampigliPhD cycleXXXVIIIPhD project"Role of the exopolysaccharide levan in the life cycle of Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae biovar 3, a phytopathogenic member of the bacterial community of Pseudomonas sp. associated with kiwifruit" SupervisorEmailssara.campigli(AT) Office addressPizzale delle Cascine, Pad. Est, n.28, 50144 Firenze Office phone055-2755854 ProfileSara Campigli was born on 21/09/1993 in San Miniato (PI), graduated in 2019 in Agricultural Sciences and Technologies (LM-69) at the University of Florence with a thesis entitled: "Set up a TaqMan Real time PCR assay for rapid and specific diagnosis of Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae, the causal agent of the bacterial canker of kiwifruit." (110/110) . After graduation, she won a research fellowship entitled: "Monitoring of bacterial diseases of kiwifruit in Tuscany, characterization of isolates and development of diagnostic methods for Pseudomonas viridiflava the causal agent of bacterial blight" at the Department of Agricultural, Food, Environmental and Forestry Sciences and Technologies (DAGRI), Section of Plant Pathology and Entomology. Her major focus is on plant diseased caused by prokaryotes. Her studies are concerned with the development of molecular diagnostic assays, the characterization and the phylogeny of phytopathogenic bacteria, and epidemiological analysis, with special reference to diseases caused by different species of the Pseudomonas syringae group and Xylella fastidiosa. She is currently attending the PhD course in Agricultural and Environmental Sciences at DAGRI (XXXVIII Cycle). Main PapersPanzavolta, T., Bracalini, M., Croci, F., Ghelardini, L., Luti, S., Campigli, S., Goti, E., Marchi, R., Tiberi, R., Marchi, G. (2019). Philaenus italosignus a potential vector of Xylella fastidiosa: Occurrence of the spittlebug on olive trees in Tuscany (Italy). Bull. Insectol, 72, 317-320.
Falsini, S., Tani, C., Sambuco, G., Papini, A., Faraoni, P., Campigli, S., Ghelardini, L., Bleve, G., Rizzo, D., Ricciolini, M., Scarpelli, I., Drosera, L., Gnerucci, A., Hand, F.P., Marchi, G., Schiff, S. (2021). Anatomical and biochemical studies of Spartium junceum infected by Xylella fastidiosa subsp. multiplex ST 87. Protoplasma, 1-13.
Luti, S., Campigli, S., Ranaldi, F., Paoli, P., Pazzagli, L., Marchi, G. (2021). Lscβ and lscγ, two novel levansucrases of Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae biovar 3, the causal agent of bacterial canker of kiwifruit, show different enzymatic properties. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 179, 279-291.
Roman-Reyna, V., Dupas, E., Cesbron, S., Marchi, G., Campigli, S., Hansen, M.A., Bush, E., Prarat, M., Shiplett, K., Lewis Ivey, M. L., Pierzynski, J., Miller, S.A., Hand, F. P., Jacques, M-A., Jacobs, J. M. (2021). Metagenomic Sequencing for rapid identification of Xylella fastidiosa from leaf samples. mSystems.
Rizzo, D., Da Lio, D., Bartolini, L., Francia, C., Aronadio, A., Luchi, N., Campigli, S., Marchi, G., Rossi, E. (2022). DNA Extraction Methods to Obtain High DNA Quality from Different Plant Tissues. In Plant Pathology (pp. 91-101). Humana, New York, NY. Seminars and conference- Awards - Personal Links, Blogs, Websites |