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Dottorato in Scienze Agrarie e Ambientali

Final exam PhD XXXIII cycle

bandiera italiana

Final exam for the achievement of the Italian title

Carolina Fabbri     

Tutor: Simone Orlandini

26 February 2021

Thesis: Analysis of agronomic management effects on nitrogen emissions from agricultural soils.

Thesis evaluation:  excelent



Agnese Bellabarba 

Tutor: Carlo Viti

23 April 2021

Into the Wild: how rhizobia compete and survive in the early stages of symbiosis

Thesis evaluation:  excelent


Paola Ganugi 

Tutor: Stefano Benedettelli  ed Enrico Pè

23 April 2021

Genetic characterization of wheat varieties and their mycorrhizal affinity;

Thesis evaluation:  excelent with laude


Final exam for the achievement of the Italian title in co-tutele with the Unversiyt of Sevilla and the Europaeus title

Marco Nocentini

Tutor Giacomo Certini and  Heike Knicker

10 June 2021

Relating chemical and physical properties of carbonized organic matter to its function as a peat substitute

Thesis evaluation:  excelent


Final exam for the achievement of the Italian title

8 November 2021

Gaia Santini      

Tutor: Liliana Rodolfi

Algal cultures for the production of antifungal compounds and biostimulants

Thesis evaluation:  excelent


Leonardo Sabbatini    

Tutor: Stefano Mancuso   

Thesis: Salt tolerance in Olea europaea

Thesis evaluation:  excelent


last update: 24-Oct-2022
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