Topics selected for the cycle
Purple non sulfur bacteria: ideal microbial cell factories for biotransformation of agro-industrial wastes into high added value molecules
Role of the exopolysaccharide levan in the life cycle of Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae biovar 3, a phytopathogenic member of the bacterial community of Pseudomonas sp. associated with kiwifruit
Genomic evaluations and mating plans aimed at increasing beef cattle profitability and resilience
From land to water: circularity for the development of a zero-waste food supply chain (FLAWA)
Interactive effects of global warming and management on plant biodiversity and microclimate of Mediterranean forests
Study of circular agro-ecology practices at farm and territorial level for the enhancement of organic residues from coffee processing, home separate collection and vine pruning
Crop productivity and sustainability of agro-photovoltaic systems in response to climate change
Improving welfare in Italian Holstein Friesian and Jersey implementing selection on cow longevity
last update: 24-Oct-2022