Maria Vittoria Tignani
NameMaria VittoriaSurnameTignaniPhD CycleXXXVIIPhD project“InGreen - Insect flours and oils as "green" ingredients to increase resilience and sustainability in animal husbandry and aquaculture - GREEN topic” Supervisormariavittoria.tignani(AT) Office address
Piazzale delle Cascine, Firenze Phone055-2755589 ProfileIn 2021 Maria Vittoria Tignani holds a Master’s degree in Animal Science at the University of Perugia. Later that year, she also obtained habilitation to profess as Agronomist and Forester. After graduating, she worked at the Animal Science Lab of the DAGRI. She is now enrolled in a PhD program in Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (DAGRI). Papers… Conference talks and seminarsSeminario online, sotto direzione del Professor Alessandro dal Bosco (responsabile dell’insegnamento Acquacoltura e Maricoltura per Scienze Zootecniche), dal titolo “La Blue Economy e le sue potenzialità per un’acquacoltura più sostenibile”, presso l’Università degli Studi di Perugia (Aprile 2021). Online Webinar “The Blue Economy and its potential for a more sustainable aquaculture” at the University of Perugia in April 2021. AwardsVincitrice della borsa di studio per la Fondazione Carlo Lorenzini #Spazioaigiovani talenti come premio di laurea per la tesi magistrale “La Blue Economy e le sue potenzialità per un’acquacoltura più sostenibile” (Dicembre 2021). Award for the Master’s degree (“The Blue Economy and its potential for a more sustainable aquaculture”) by Carlo Lorenzini Foundation in December 2021, Perugia. Personal links, Website… |