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Dottorato in Scienze Agrarie e Ambientali

Giulia Daly

bandiera italiana  
Giulia Daly





Cycle PhD


PhD project

"Interactions in Tetraselmis suecica/bacteria holobiont"

Her Ph.D. project aims to unravel the growth dynamics and the molecular interactions between microalgae and associated bacteria using a simplified system composed of two model organisms. 


Carlo Viti 



Office address

Via Maragliano 77 - 50144 Florence 

Mobile Phone

+39 348 7386498 


Giulia Daly holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Biological Sciences (110/110 cum laude) and a Master’s Degree in Molecular and Cellular Biology (110/110 cum laude), from the University of Florence. After graduating, she obtained a 2nd level Master’s Degree in Forensic Genetics at the University of Rome (Tor Vergata). She worked as an early-stage researcher at the Department of Biology (University of Florence, Microbiology section) for 15 months. Currently, she’s attending her Ph.D. in Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (Microbiology section) at the University of Florence. 


  • Pinna, D., Galeotti, M., Perito, B., Daly, G., & Salvadori, B. (2018). In situ long-term monitoring of recolonization by fungi and lichens after innovative and traditional conservative treatments of archaeological stones in Fiesole (Italy). International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 132, 49-58.
  • Casalone, E., Cavalieri, D., Daly, G., Vitali, F., & Perito, B. (2020). Propolis hosts a diverse microbial community. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 36(3), 1-11. doi: 10.1007/s11274-020-02827-0.

Conference talks and seminars

  • 5th International Congress on Microbial Diversity 2019 | Catania, Italy; oral presentation (25-27/09/2019)
  • I WORKSHOP GIOVANI AISAM | Florence, Italy (28/10/2019)
  • XXXIII SIMGBM Congress “Microbiology 2019” | Florence, Italy; oral presentation (19-22/96/2019)


last update: 24-Jan-2022
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