Subjects matters
Research topics with university scholarship
"Molecular mechanisms involved in exopolymers secretion in biocrust forming cyanobacteria and their response to desiccation stress" |
"Lipid carry-over in an experimental insect based aquaculture supply chain" |
"Responses of Mediterranean understory vegetation to climate warming: assessing the role of microclimate on forest seed-bank and plant traits across Europe" |
"Aromatic plants of the Tuscan archipelago : chmical characterization and agronomic performance for conservation strategies and adaptation to climate change" |
"Precision LIVESTOCK farming per la gestione degli allevamenti al pascolo dei bovini da carne" |
"Study of the impacts of climate change on Alpine pastoral resources in order to identify possible adaptation strategies" |
Research topics without scholarship
"Bioecology and ethology of Auchenorryncha potential vectors of Xylella fastidiosa" |
Reserch topics with no university scholarship
"Development of techniques and technologies for the recognition of the phytosanitary condition of herbaceous and arboreal crops" |
"Improvement agronomic management of winter wheat, for increasing quality and quantity of yield" |